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Who is responsible for the recurring fires in Bukavu?

Posted on 2024-08-05 - Catégorie: Climate Change

For more than five years, at the start of each dry season, particularly in June, the city of Bukavu has been regularly hit by arson attacks, causing enormous loss of life and property. 
Unfortunately, these incidents are not seriously monitored by state authorities or national and international NGOs. 
Faced with this critical situation in South Kivu province, the Société Civile Environnementale (SOCEARUCO/SK), in collaboration with the Congo Basin Conservation Society (CBCS-Network) and the Réseau des Organisations des Jeunes Engagés dans le Changement Climatique have called on Governor Jean-Jacques PURUSI and his provincial government to organize a provincial dialogue framework. 
The aim is to involve all the players concerned, including the Provincial Assembly, City Hall, Urban Planning and Housing Divisions, the Environment, civil society, grassroots executives, neighborhood leaders, churches, universities, the FEC and citizens' movements. This dialogue aims to identify the causes of the fires and propose sustainable solutions to protect the endangered province of South Kivu.






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