"Well-managed ecosystems equal community development"

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About Us


CBCS will never stop fighting for a greener, healthier world. Our goal is to save the planet for our children. Help us to win.

Who we are

The CBCS (Congo Basin Conservation Society) is a philanthropic organization under Congolese law which is concerned with actively participating in the pursuit of sustainable development objectives by mobilizing forces in an overall movement highlighting the combined efforts of actors working in the region by breaking down regional barriers between producers of ecosystem services and consumers in the Congo Basin.

The organization aims to put in place adequate and concerted solutions for the sustainable management of natural resources in the Congo Basin coupled with the problems of the governance of natural resources. Its members would like to animate the actors living in the Congo Basin, in order to promote conservation based on market approaches in order to achieve common progress in sustainable development.

The CBSC-Network perceives the forest area of ​​the Congo Basin estimated at 237 million hectares as a business opportunity capable of generating sustainable jobs for young people and limiting the emigration of shame towards Europe and d other regions of the planet. The direction in which the understanding of the sustainable management of the Congo Basin can progress, if their ecosystem services (ESS) and the associated benefits are known and taken as a means contributing to supporting the development of local communities and the achievement of objectives conservation.

Our mission

The mission of the CBCS is to support communities in capturing the benefits of environmental services, in order to take ownership of the rational and sustainable management of Congo Basin ecosystems.

Our Vision

CBCS aims to be the primary forum for supporting investments that enhance ecosystem services in the Congo Basin by helping local communities live in harmony with nature.

Our slogan

Well-managed ecosystems equal community development.

Our objectives


Manage the underlying causes of ecosystem degradation (forest landscapes, soil, freshwater, wetlands etc.) causing the erosion of the biodiversity of the Congo Basin through the actions of restoration, sustained advocacy with political decision-makers that can help them take necessary measures and by raising the awareness of local communities;


Promote awareness of the value of the biodiversity and ecosystems of the Congo Basin through market-based approaches through economic valuation studies and their integration into the investment program and local, national and regional development ;


Promote food security through agriculture resilient to climate change, sustainable livestock and fisheries by strengthening youth and women's entrepreneurship through the promotion of the agro-food industry and access to competitive markets;


Promote IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) through access to water for all and securing it against pollution linked to mining, hydrocarbons, non-biodegradable waste, industrial development, environmental hygiene and sanitation;


Strengthen the capacities of municipal actors for the implementation of the management and conservation appropriation process of the Congo Basin, through local investment and participatory planning;


Conduct environmental and social impact studies integrating economic value in order to carry out sustained advocacy actions;


Ensure the rapid local response mechanism in the event of natural disasters or conflicts in the region to limit the effects that may negatively affect the population, ecosystems and biodiversity;


Promote the development of local initiatives and strategies for adaptation and mitigation to climate change;


Promote the entrepreneurial spirit to young people and women in the sectors of agriculture, livestock, fishing, aquaculture, agroforestry;


Establish market-oriented technical capacities and intensify the use of NICTs and innovations to improve the performance of young people in the agricultural, livestock, fishing and aquaculture value chains.


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